Gestalt Language Processing

executive functioning

ND affirming

AAC ✶ Gestalt Language Processing ✶ executive functioning ✶ ND affirming ✶

My approach


We’ll start by building an individualized plan towards short-term needs and long-term goals that considers learning style, strengths, preferences, and resources.


A a core tenant of Language Ladder AAC, compassion takes priority over compliance. As said by Dr. Ross Greene, “Children do well if they can”. I believe this applies to us all. Sensory and emotional regulation is often key.


Services take place in your home, a community setting, through tele-therapy (video calling), or in combination.

We will use strategies that work with your daily routine. Struggling to find a routine? We can build them together.


Therapy sessions are client-led, meaning activities are based on what is motivating to the participant and what supports are needed in the moment.

Through a coaching model, caregivers will learn to support learning and connection throughout the day.


  • AAC

    Augmentative and Alternative Communication is communicating by any means other than speech.

    Therapy often looks vey similar to traditional language therapy, just with the addition of AAC tools.

  • GLP

    Gestalt Language Processing is a way of learning language in which phrases (or even long scripts) hold individual meaning. Someone who is a GLP may repeat song lyrics, tv or movie dialogue, or phrases they have heard from others.

    This is considered a less common, but natural way to develop language. Children with language delays who are also GLPs may require specialized intervention.

  • Executive Functioning

    Executive functions are mental processes that allow us to plan, problem-solve, adapt, focus, remember, and regulate our emotions. These skills are important for achieving goals *and* for simply getting through activities of daily life.

    Evidence-based tools and strategies can make a world of difference, especially for those over-extended or with diagnosis such as ADHD or ASD.

  • AAC eval + funding

    AAC evaluations help determine a) if AAC would be beneficial and b) what is the best fit tool.

    Depending on diagnosis and member benefits, your health insurance may cover the cost of a speech-generating device. We can help from start to finish, without you having to make a single call to your insurance company.

    Are you an SLP or school district interested in learning how to submit AAC evaluations for funding? Contact me!

  • IEP / IFSP

    We offer consultative support for IEP and IFSPs including attendance at meetings, review and recommendations of current or proposed plans, and teacher training.

  • Assistive Technology

    Coming soon….

Pricing and Insurance

Private Pay

  • Pre-pay or pay at time of service for significant discount

  • No referral required, no waiting

  • Cash and card accepted

Insurance (In-Network)

  • Maine Care

  • Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield

  • Harvard Pigrim

  • Aetna

  • Note, not all services are considered medically necessary and may not be covered.

Insurance (Out-of-Network)

  • Many insurance companies will reimburse for out-of-network care.

  • Private pay at the time of the appointment and you will be provided with documentation to submit to your insurance company for partial of full re-imbursement.

Therapy / Coaching Private Pay

30 minute session: $100 (pre-pay $50.00)

45 minute session: $150 (pre-pay $75.00)

60 minute session: $200 (pre-pay $100)


Includes full written report with recommendations and proposed goals.

AAC evaluation : $300

  • Also includes informal speech & language assessment.

AAC evaluation plus funding documentation: $600

Speech-Language: $300


Attendance at IEP / IFSP meeting: $75/hour

Review of documentation: $50/hour


Travel fee: $0.67/mile

Fabrication or modification of Assistive Technology: $75 / hour

Examples include:

  • visual schedules and supports

  • low-tech communication boards

  • social stories / social narratives

Group training / coaching: please contact for pricing

About Me

I’m Sara Robertson, owner of Language Ladder AAC, LLC. I am a Speech-Language Pathologist. Working with complex and emerging communicators is my passion.

I have over 10 years experience with clients across the age span in a variety of settings (schools, clinics, and home-based).

I believe strongly and unapologetically in neurodiversity affirming practices and hold them at the core of my practice.


  • I do not have a physical space to provide services. Research strongly supports providing instruction in a person's own natural environment. This aids in generalization of skills and helps demonstrate the purpose.

    You can set up services in your home, or a community setting that is meaningful to you.

  • ND stands for Neurodiversity; the idea that people experience, interact, and connect with the world in a multitude of ways. Care that is affirming rejects the current popular medical, deficit-based model and instead sees these differences as positive attributes to be utilized rather than diminished.

  • There are a variety of ways to structure home-based services. A therapy session may be based around a typical daily routine (eating/cooking, getting ready for the day, completing chores, etc.) Or therapy may be during an activity or play using materials in the home that are already of interest.

  • In a coaching model, caregivers are taught how to provide support and learning opportunities to their child or loved one. I would provide modeling, coaching, and feedback to help you "be the SLP". As with any therapy, the benefits aren't often felt unless the strategies are practiced daily.

    This is especially important with AAC because like all languages, the best way to learn is to be surrounded by it. I will teach you to be "fluent in AAC", and I promise, you do not need to be tech saavy to be successful.

  • In psychology, there is a theory called "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs" which is the idea that every person has a set of needs. The bottom of the hierarchy (often shown as a pyramid), includes the most basic like safety, food, love and belonging. If those are not met, it is very difficult to fulfill higher level needs, such as a esteem, thinking and learning, and self-actualization (reaching ones full potential).

    At Language Ladder AAC, we will focus on building supports and strategies to help you or your loved one climb the pyramid.

Let’s chat!